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7 Things You Should Know Before A Kybella Treatment

7 Things You Should Know Before A Kybella Treatment

Do you have a double chin that won’t go away no matter how much you work out or watch what you eat? If so, you might be interested in Kybella. This treatment can reduce submental fullness without surgery. 

Knowing what to expect before going under the needle is essential as this treatment becomes more popular. Today, Derm Artisan will discuss seven things you should know before getting Kybella.

1. What Kybella Does

Deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule that helps break down and absorb fat cells, is Kybella’s active ingredient. When injected into the submental fat, it kills fat cells, which the body gets rid of over time. When Kybella works into the submental fat, the process is quick and doesn’t hurt too much.

2. The Ideal Candidate For Kybella 

Kybella is a promising treatment, but it is only suitable for some. The best way to find out if you are a good candidate for Kybella is to talk to a trained professional. 

Most of the time, people who are good candidates are in good health, have flexible skin, and have submental fullness that doesn’t go away with diet and exercise. You can learn more about this treatment when you talk with us here at Derm Artisan

3. How The Treatment Functions 

Usually, Kybella is treated with several injections at different times over a few weeks. How many sessions you need will depend on how much submental fullness you want to treat and what results you want. 

Most people need between two and four treatments, and each one takes about 15 to 20 minutes. It’s important to know that even though you can see results after the first treatment, you may need more than one to get the best results.

4. Possible Side Effects

Kybella is a treatment with some possible side effects and risks, just like any other treatment. Most of the time, the treated area will swell, get bruises, or feel numb. These side effects go away in a few days to a few weeks. 

Nerve damage and trouble swallowing are rare but more serious risks. You must talk to your doctor or nurse during your consultation about these risks.

5. Kybella Aftercare

It’s essential to take good care of the area where Kybella was used to ensure a quick and comfortable recovery. This means avoiding certain medicines and activities that can make bleeding or bruising more likely. 

Your doctor may also tell you to use ice or heat to reduce swelling and to avoid wearing tight clothes or jewelry around your neck. For the best results, it’s essential to carefully follow the aftercare instructions given by your doctor or therapist.

6. Treatment Expectations

Regarding Kybella, it’s essential to keep your expectations in check. Even though the treatment can help eliminate submental fullness, it may not be as effective as surgery like a neck lift. 

Also, it’s important to remember that even though Kybella kills fat cells, it doesn’t stop new ones from growing. A healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a healthy diet, can help ensure long-term results.

7. Treatment Cost

Kybella’s price can change based on how many treatments are needed and where the doctor is. But it’s important to remember that even though Kybella may seem expensive initially, it may be cheaper than surgery in the long run. Some practitioners may also offer ways to pay for the treatment to make it easier.

Kybella at Derm Artisan

You can get rid of fat without liposuction or other invasive methods at Derm Artisan by getting Kybella injections. Instead, a few injections of this naturally occurring enzyme will give you a smooth, sculpted chin.

Kybella is an injectable treatment approved by the FDA to break down fat cells in the submental area. This medicine is taken by mouth to treat moderate to severe submental fat.

When Kybella is injected right under the chin, the membranes surrounding the fat cells break down. When fat cells are destroyed, they can no longer store fat, and the fat is gone for good over time. 

You may see changes in your profile after two to four treatments. Kybella at Derm Artisan Benefits include:

  • No surgery needed
  • No anesthesia
  • Quick and well-done
  • FDA approved
  • Not much downtime
  • Permanent results

Kybella can be an effective way to reduce submental fullness without surgery. But before you go under the needle, you should know what you’re getting into.

Knowing how the treatment works, the possible risks and side effects, and how to take care of yourself afterward, you can decide if Kybella is right for you.

Also, remember that Kybella is just one way to eliminate submental fullness. CoolSculpting and SculpSure are two other ways to get rid of fat under the chin without surgery. Each of these uses a different method. 

Some patients may also be better off with surgery, such as a neck lift or liposuction. Your doctor or nurse can help determine which treatment will work best for you.

The Best Tip For Everyone

Again, if you’re thinking about getting a Kybella treatment, make sure to do your research and choose a doctor who is qualified and has done the treatment before. This will help make sure the best results and reduce the chance of problems. 

By learning about how the treatment works, possible risks and side effects, and how to take care of yourself afterward, you can decide if Kybella is right for you.

Choosing a Qualified Professional

To ensure treatment is safe and effective, it is essential to find a trained doctor with experience giving Kybella injections. Look for a practitioner who has been trained and certified to do the treatment and has a good reputation in the field.

Our Derm Artisan experts can guarantee a satisfying and safe procedure. We have been working with patients to provide solutions for their skin concerns. Learn more about our services if you want thread lift, microneedling, or chemical peels

Book an appointment with us today or call us at 929-379-7596. See you around our clinic, and let’s make Kybella possible! 

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