Flatiron NYC

Pimple Killer

Pimple Killer

15 mins / $30 per spot

Pimple Killer injections are used for treating inflammation and shrinking large cysts. Pimple Killer injections can be used on the face as well as the body. The injection contains a small amount of triamcinolone acetonide (Kenalog), a powerful anti-inflammatory steroid, which is injected directly into acne cysts and nodules. The injections are not intended to prevent acne breakouts, but to target, manage, and treat difficult acne and acne lesions.

Pros to Pimple Killer injections include:

  • Pimple Killer injections quickly reduce large bumps below the surface of the skin.
  • Visible results in just 4-8 hours
  • Treats acne cysts effectively and safely without downtime
  • Prevents scarring from deep cystic acne


At Derm Artisan, we specialize in full-face lifting with smooth and barbed threads. The smooth threads stimulate collagen production within the skin resulting in gradual skin tightening. These barbed threads produce a subtle yet visible lift within the targeted area. This non-invasive treatment tightens sagging skin naturally with threads. It will pull the skin naturally and lift the face. Threads also combat aging by stimulating the body’s healing response activating large surges of collagen in the treated areas. Collagen is vital for boosting elasticity and resulting in tighter youthful skin. Pricing will be determined upon consultation. 

B-Complex Shot


A vitamin B complex shot is a combination of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12 given as an injection or intramuscular shot. It is used to treat deficiencies in these vitamins, allowing the body to absorb more of the vitamins and use them for energy production and other essential functions

Trim Shot


The Trim Shot is commonly used to assist in weight loss and contains a mixture of amino acids and vitamins. Ingredients include methionine, choline, inositol, and methylcobalamin.

Detox Shot


A Detox Shot is a type of injection sometimes given to people interested in detoxifying their bodies. It contains a mixture of glutathione, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. It helps remove toxins from the body, improve energy levels, and support overall health.

B12 Shot


B12 can regulate metabolism, boost immunity, increase energy levels, and may also assist with mental clarity and more. It can also be used to treat vitamin B12 deficiency, which may lead to anemia and other health problems.


Pimple Killer injections are an effective treatment for acne that quickly reduces inflammation and swelling that comes with acne. Kenalog injections can help reduce the production of sebum and excess oil in the glands which will help combat acne lesions. The Anti-inflammatory benefits of Kenalog also allow for instant flattening of acne lesions, reduced redness and  amount of scarring. It is a relatively safe and effective treatment for acne.

Patients that have hypertrophic or keloid scars that are uncomfortable or unhappy with their appearance, are an ideal candidate for these injections. Intralesional injection of Kenalog is also great for people suffering from cystic acne lesions. 

People who are allergic to corticosteroids should not receive this treatment.

Cysts will begin shrinking within 4-8 hours after injection. Over the next few days, results will continue to improve. Deep cystic acne scarring can also be prevented with these injections.

Common side effects of a Pimple Killer Shot include skin irritation, bruising, and soreness at the injection site.

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