Flatiron NYC



Anyone can develop submental (under the chin) fat, regardless of weight, diet, exercise regimen, or body type. However, until recently, moderately invasive liposuction was the best option for improving a patient’s double chin appearance. Now, injections of Kybella eliminate the need for liposuction and other invasive fat removal methods. Instead, several injections of this naturally occurring enzyme gives you a sleek and contoured chin area.

Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that breaks down fatty tissues in the submental area. This prescription medication addresses moderate to severe submental fat.

Kybella is injected directly beneath the chin, and the membranes around the fat cells dissolve. Once destroyed, fat cells cannot store fat, and the fat is permanently removed over time. After two to four treatments, you may see visible changes in your profile.

Kybella Benefits include:

  • No surgery needed
  • Anesthesia is not required
  • Fast and efficient
  • FDA approved
  • Little downtime
  • Permanent results


Kybella is made of deoxycholic acid, a bile acid enzyme naturally found in the body. It is indicated for breaking down stubborn fat in the submental area permanently.

You will see the results of Kybella injections in four to six weeks. However, the full effects of Kybella often appear two to four months after completion of all the series of injections.

For the best results, multiple treatments are required. It will depend on your overall skin health, and the amount of fat under your chin. We generally recommend between 3-4 sessions.

Besides the submental area, Kybella can be used in select bodily areas such as the lower abdomen, the inner thighs, and the bra bulges in the back. 

Yes, clients will generally experience swelling and bruising at the treatment site for about 10 days. We therefore recommend you come in with a scarf to conceal the injected area.

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