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How To Prepare For Your AquaGold Skin Boost Treatment

How To Prepare For Your AquaGold Skin Boost Treatment

Are you looking for a practical and efficient way to improve your skin’s texture, hydration, and overall appearance? Look no further than the AquaGold Skin Boost treatment! This revolutionary procedure uses 24-Karat gold-plated needles to deliver a custom blend of skincare ingredients, helping minimize the formation of fine lines and wrinkles while protecting against environmental damage. 

The best part? The virtually painless procedure can yield excellent results with just one treatment, although a course of treatments may be recommended for optimum results. Preparing your skin correctly beforehand guarantees you get the most out of your AquaGold Skin Boost treatment. In this article, we’ll share some tips for safe and practical preparation to get the most out of this game-changing treatment.

Pre-Treatment Preparations

Consult a qualified healthcare professional to discuss your skin concerns and determine the proper treatment. During this consultation, you should ask questions about the procedure and share any relevant medical history or medications you’re taking to ensure a safe and effective treatment.

In addition to this consultation, your healthcare professional may give you specific pre-treatment instructions. These may include avoiding certain medications, treatments, or activities that could interfere with the procedure’s effectiveness or cause unwanted side effects.

Follow these instructions closely to ensure your safety and achieve the best possible results. Your healthcare professional may also recommend that you stop using certain skincare products before the treatment to avoid any irritation or inflammation that could interfere with the procedure’s effectiveness.

Skin Care Routine

In addition to following any pre-treatment instructions your healthcare professional provides, preparing your skin by maintaining a healthy skincare routine leading up to your AquaGold Skin Boost treatment is essential. This will help ensure that your skin is in the best possible condition to receive the custom blend of hyaluronic acid, vitamins, Sculptra, and Botox during the procedure.

Prepare your skin using a gentle cleanser and moisturizer that won’t irritate or cause unwanted side effects. Likewise, please avoid using harsh exfoliants or other products that could damage your skin or cause it to become inflamed.

Pre-Treatment Diet

Did you know that what you eat can also affect the quality of your skin? Maintaining a healthy diet leading up to your AquaGold Skin Boost treatment can help ensure your skin is in the best possible condition to receive the custom blend of skincare formulas. 

Consider consuming a diet rich in antioxidants and vitamins. This can include foods like leafy greens, berries, citrus fruits, and nuts, all packed with skin-nourishing nutrients. Consider taking a multivitamin or other supplements designed to support healthy skin.

On the other hand, avoid consuming foods that could cause inflammation or interfere with the treatment’s effectiveness. This includes processed foods, sugary drinks, and alcohol, which can cause inflammation and other unwanted side effects.

What To Expect During the Treatment

So, you’ve followed all the pre-treatment instructions, maintained a healthy skincare routine, and consumed a nutrient-rich diet leading up to your AquaGold Skin Boost treatment. What’s next? Let’s talk about what you can expect during the procedure itself.

First things first, the treatment is virtually painless. The 24-Karat gold-plated needles used in the procedure are ultra-fine, making the process comfortable for most patients. However, you may experience some mild discomfort depending on your pain tolerance.

During the treatment, your healthcare professional will use the needles to deliver the custom hyaluronic acid, vitamins, Sculptra, and Botox blend into your skin. This process typically takes around 30 minutes to complete, depending on the size of the treatment area.

After the procedure, you may experience some redness or mild swelling, but this should subside within a few hours. You may also notice an immediate improvement in your skin’s texture, hydration, and overall appearance.

While you may see some great results with just one treatment, a course of treatments may be recommended for optimum results. Your healthcare professional can help you determine the right treatment plan for your skin concerns and goals.

Who Is The Ideal Candidate?

Wondering if the AquaGold Skin Boost treatment is right for you? The good news is that it’s suitable for patients of all ages and skin types, making it an excellent option for anyone looking to improve their skin’s texture, hydration, and overall appearance.

This treatment is particularly ideal for those looking to restore the youthful appearance of their skin or prevent the signs of aging before they become too noticeable. It’s also an excellent way for Derm Artisan clients to get an instant skin boost and enhance the effects of other treatments.

If you’re considering AquaGold Skin Boost treatment, you must schedule a consultation with a qualified healthcare professional to discuss your skin concerns, medical history, and goals. They can help you determine the suitable treatment and create a customized treatment plan for your needs.

Post-Treatment Care

Congratulations! You’ve completed your AquaGold Skin Boost treatment and are on your way to achieving healthier, more radiant skin. But the journey isn’t over yet – it’s essential to follow some post-treatment care instructions to ensure safe and effective results.

After the procedure, your healthcare professional may recommend avoiding certain activities or products for a certain period to allow your skin to heal correctly. This may include avoiding direct sunlight or wearing sunscreen to shield your skin from UV damage.

Likewise, avoid using harsh skincare products or exfoliants that could irritate your skin or interfere with the treatment’s effectiveness. Instead, opt for gentle, nourishing skincare products to help preserve your skin hydrated and healthy.

You may notice some redness, mild swelling, or bruising in the days and weeks following your treatment, but this should reduce within a few days. If you encounter any unusual or concerning symptoms, be sure to contact your healthcare professional right away.

Remember, your AquaGold Skin Boost treatment results are not permanent, and treatments may be recommended for optimum results. Following a healthy skincare routine and taking care of your skin after the treatment can help extend the procedure’s benefits and achieve long-lasting results.


Are you ready to experience the fantastic benefits of AquaGold Skin Boost treatment for yourself? Contact us for a consultation and work with our qualified healthcare professional, Andi Assebian, at Derm Artisan today to learn more about this revolutionary procedure and how it can help you achieve healthier, more radiant skin. Don’t wait – take the first action towards a more confident, beautiful you today!

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